Dat Richard West - aka de prettig gestoorde dj/producer Mr. C - een aardige kerel is, wisten we al. Maar dat de Britse dj/producer, die binnenkort een nieuw album uitbrengt, leeft volgens 51 strenge regels, verbaast ons toch een beetje.
Of hij nu in de studio werkt aan zijn nieuwe album of achter de draaitafels staat tijdens zijn zelfgeorganiseerde Superfreq-avonden; Mr. C behandelt anderen altijd volgens de volgende 51 levensregels. En dat zouden meer mensen moeten doen.
1. Meditate daily.
2. Release youself of all attachments.
3. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
4. Believe in yourself 100%.
5. Remain in the moment always.
6. Always follow your intuition, it's always correct.
7. Always put love first.
8. Make actions because they need to be made, not for what you may gain.
9. Listen when being spoken too.
10. Visualize in absolute detail.
11. Exercise daily.
12. Laugh more.
13. Smile at someone today.
14. I am the Self seated in the hearts of All.
15. Hug those that you love.
16. Kiss more.
17. Take the piss more.
18. Never leave unsaid that which needs to be said.
19. Don't rise to the negativity of others.
20. Act, don't react.
21. Do it.
22. Actions speak louder than words.
23. It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.
24. Lead by example.
25. Clean your mess.
26. Always respect the space of others.
27. Everyone is entitled to their opinion (even if they support Spurs).
28. Always tip the deserved amount.
29. Be kind.
30. Rules are made to be broken.
31. Dance like no one's watching.
32. Compliment people.
33. Drink more water.
34. It's your Universe to make with what you will.
35. Help those less fortunate than yourself.
36. Alway encourage others where possible.
37. Use good manners.
38. Eat more fruit & veg.
39. Tell those you love that you love them.
40. Never leave on a bad note.
41. If you've nothing good to say then say nothing.
42. Opinions are like assholes, we all have them.
43. Look before you leap.
44. Be positive about every situation.
45. Don't believe in coincidences.
46. There is no hope, only knowing.
47. Create your own synchronicities.
48. Communicate clearly.
49. Look as good as possible always.
50. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
51. Never stop using vinyl.