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De Ask Me Anything sessies op Reddit van beroemde mensen worden altijd druk bezocht door gebruikers van het platform. Logisch, het geeft je immers de kans om beroemdheden direct allerlei vragen te stellen. Ook Fedde Le Grand hield laatst een AMA en daarin antwoordde hij op een divers aantal vragen. Hieronder een aantal van de beste vragen inclusief antwoord van Fedde.
LEES OOK: Brooks geeft masterclass over zijn track ‘Boomerang’ met Martin Garrix
Q: What do you think the future of electronic music holds?
A: I think music always moves around in circles. I think the big bubble is over and the industry seems to calm down again which usually means less hype, more quality, something that I very much prefer.
Q: What musician (any genre) would you most like to do a collab with if given the chance?
A: Alive Bruno Mars… Dead James Brown…
Q: Do you also produce some totally different genres that you don’t release under the Fedde Le Grand name?
A: Yes but if I tell you I have to kill you
Q: What’s the story behind So Much Love, feels so much more different from your normal style
A: The first version was done by DJ Falcon & Thomas Bangalter, but I knew where they got the sample from – The Real Thing ‘Love Is Such a Wonderful Thing’ – as I’ve always been interested in old disco and funk, I did a re-edit just for my sets but then I got so much interest from DJ’s and labels that I decided to actually release it…
Q: What’s your favorite song right now?
A: Overall Alice Merton – No Roots and dance-wise Jay Robertson, Niqw and Amy Carmine – Right Back
Q: Hello Fedde! Do you think Progressive House is a dying sub-genre or is there any hope for it to make a comeback?
A: I don’t think it’s dying, I just think music has diversified so there are more genres to be explored that’s why it’s possible that some other genres are thinning out a bit but as long as there are people passionate making it and enjoying the sound it will always stick around
De volledige AMA-sessie is hier te vinden.