Mysterie rond Monolake’s nieuwe album

Partyscene Redactie | 22 september 2011

“Ik ben niet bang…”

In februari 2012 kunnen we van Robert Henke’s nieuwe album ‘Ghosts’ gaan genieten. Tenminste, als Henke het overleeft. Want ‘de situatie in zijn lab’ dreigt vreselijk uit de hand te lopen!


Monolake's album 'Ghosts' komt in februari 2012 uit.Een deel van de verontrustende boodschap over het nieuwe album, die geluidskunstenaar Monolake deze week achterliet op zijn website:

“How I hate those dirty little flies. I cannot sleep, it is too hot, no wind, just motionless humid air. Five weeks with no change and the gods are laughing at us. Every part of my body hurts, and I cannot think straight anymore. Last friday the solar panel cracked in the middle of the night, I have no idea why and I almost don't care anymore, they will not find anything here anyway. Am I awake now?

They set up all this equipment and the results so far: The strange noises during the nights got louder and louder. Some kind of monotonous moans that seem to come from nowhere. The scientists run around and pretend that they know what goes on but they have no clue. And they are frightened, I can see it. How they look around, how they stop chatting when they get closer. How they avoid talking with me about their work: Ah yeah, we make some progress, it takes time to initialize the system, we have some preliminary data but things need to be calibrated first...

The fact that Jonathan died in the cave whilst connecting the data lines does not help much to improve the situation. He was not afraid. I am also not afraid. I am just here to write things down. They tell me what they say is important for the world and I write it down. I had more demanding jobs. Apart from the flies...”. Lees hier de rest van deze mysterieuze teaser.


We hopen maar dat Henke deze situatie snel onder controle krijgt. Ook omdat hij in de line-up van TodaysArt staat en aankomende zaterdag (24/9) in het Haagse Paard van Troje moet verschijnen, met zijn Monolake Live Surround-project! ;-)

Tracklist album ‘Ghosts’:

A1 – 1 Shiva
A2 – 2 Afterglow
A3 – 3 Aligning the Demon
B1 – 4 Toku
B2 – 5 Unstable Matter
B3 – 6 Hitting the Surface
C1 – 7 Foreign Object
C2 – 8 Discontinuity
C3 – 9 The Existence of Time
D1 – 10 Phenomenon
D2 – 11 Lilith
D3 – 12 Ghosts

Website Monolake

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